Don't forget to smile :)

Sunday 10 May 2015

Exam tips! x

Hey Everyone!

Today it's giraffe and I'm going to tell you a few tips on how to survive through the exam period!!

1. Eat brain food! This can include fish, wholegrain and blueberries.

2. When revising write notes in really bright colours for example use sharpies! You can also make posters to stick on your bedroom walls.

3. Organise what exams/tests you need to revise for first. For example if you had a test tomorrow, revise for that one first, if you have one in a week, revise for that one last.

4. Ask your teachers for help. Sometimes people don't like to ask the teacher if they don't understand something but you can't take any chances when it comes to exams.

5. Sleep! If you are one of those people that goes to bed at 1:00 and wakes up at 6:00, your brain needs to rest in order for you to be ready and awake the the day ahead. If you need to, pack your bag, choose an outfit and plan your breakfast the night before so that you can have an extra half an hour in bed!

Sorry this post was kind of short but I hope it helped you! Make sure to follow us on twitter and instagram, both @cailascreations and tag tweets and photos with #cailascreations so that we see it!

Love From
Caila xx

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