Don't forget to smile :)

Monday 4 May 2015

April Favourites

Hey guys!

So today it is only mouse here! And today I am going to be telling you about what I have been loving throughout the course of April!

Let's get onto the post...

1. The first thing is a random favourite and that is the song Dear Future Husband by Meghan Trainor. You may have seen in our 'Top 5...' post that we mentioned this song, but it is literally so amazing!! It is a really upbeat and happy song that will make you feel like dancing (hopefully!). I am actually listening to it at the moment as I type this!!

2. The PointlessBook (the first one, I haven't gotten the second one yet) but i just find it so therapeutic to do and just a great activity for rainy days or any time really! I have done loads of mine so I might buy the second one soon!
3. Bright and colourful eyeshadows! There is no specific product for this favourite but since it is spring, I am constantly wearing brighter colours (I am wearing blue eyeliner at the moment!) but some palettes with bright colours are...
The Urban Decay Electric palette
But we understand that this is quite a pricey product so as a cheaper alternative there is the MUA Poptastic palette but still fantastic!
Sorry that this was a shorter post than usual! What have you been loving recently? Tweet us or follow us on Instagram - we (un)follow back. Also we give shoutout for shoutouts!
Instagram & Twitter: @cailascreations

See you soon!
Love Caila xx

P.S. Be sure to vote on our little survey that should be on the right of your COMPUTER screens.

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