Don't forget to smile :)

Sunday 31 May 2015

Would You Rather Tag

Hey guys! <3

So today it is only mouse and I will be doing the Would You Rather Tag! I know that there have already been quite a few tags on our blog, but the questions in this tag are awesome! 

So lets get on with the post!

1) Would you rather walk around all day with you skirt tucked in your underwear or be seen wearing a really see through dress?
~Erm... This is a tough question... Probably the see through dress because my hair might hide it a bit and so would a jacket!

2) Would you rather go to a party and not realize until the end of the night that you have lipstick on your teeth or that your fake lashes are coming unglued?
~I think I would go for the lipstick on the teeth because I could be wearing a nude lipstick and it wouldn't be too noticeable I guess!

3)Would you rather forget to put mascara on one eye or forget blush on one side of your face?
~Blush! This was an easy question for me! I just hate the idea of only one eye without mascara!

4) Would you rather wear lipstick/lipliner combo or frosty blue eyeshadow?
~Ohh, this is a hard question! I think it would have to be the lipstick/lipliner combo just because I am not extremely keen on the blue eyeshadow! :D

5) Would you rather wear foundation that is two shades too light or go way overboard on bronzer?
~Foundation!! I do not want to look like I just fell over and face planted into a load of mud!

6) Would you rather drink an entire bottle of ketchup or run into the guy who broke your heart on a bad hair day when your skin is freaking out?
~I think I would go for the guy who broke my heart one because AN ENTIRE BOTTLE  OF KETCHUP IS JUST DISGUSTING!!!

7) Would you rather be able to date any celeb you wanted or wake up with perfect red carpet-worthy hair?
~I would date any celeb I wanted because then I could have my own hairstylist and voila! Perfect red carpet worthy hair!

8) Would you rather your armpits smell musky or like delicious lasagna?
~Delicious lasagna because... It's delicious!

9)Would you rather give up your makeup or mobile phone for one year?
~My mobile phone because I could use a computer!

10) Would you rather run into a cute guy you like with food in your teeth or no makeup at all?
~No makeup... I don't really have an explanation, I just thought it was better.

Ok, so I hope you enjoyed this blog post! If you answer any of these questions or want to ask us any questions, either comment down below, tweet us or follow us on Instagram. Our usernames on both Twitter and Instagram is @cailascreations

See you soon!

Love Caila xx

Sunday 24 May 2015

Spring Hairstyle Ideas! x

Hey Everyone!

Today it's just giraffe and I'm going to share with you a few ideas of how to do your hair in Spring!

1. Of course whenever we talk about Spring we can't ever forget flower crowns!!! Flower crowns re really popular to wear ad are really affordable from shops like Primark and New Look. If you prefer you can opt for the headband version or even make your own with faux flowers, wire (or an old headband) and a hot glue gun*)  *If you do make your own be sure that you are confident using a hot glue gun because, obviously, they get really hot!!

2. I personally think that big messy braids/plaits are always fun to wear- they're stylish and keep your hair out of your face! To do this, tie your hair in a low ponytail on one side of your face. Next you can do whatever type of braid you like (normal, fishtail etc). Then, slide the elastic or hair tie down to the bottom to make the top loose and to hold together your braid at the bottom. Finally, you can "pancake" your braid. This is basically just pulling the sides a little at a time to create a big messy hairstyle!

3. This one is more of a hair colour idea!! If you feel like having lighter hair in spring but you're too scared to dye all of your hair a light brown or blonde, then try the Sun kiss Jelly by Loreal! If gradually lightens your hair in the sunlight and you can either apply it to all of your hair or just precise parts (eg: as highlights or a 'natural' ombre effect).

I hope you enjoyed these 3 ideas of things that you could do with you hair in Spring. Of course you can alter them to your personal preference. Make sure to follow us on Instagram and Twitter @cailascreations  ! If you have anything you want us to see use the hashtag #cailascreations , also if you want to leave a comment saying ways that you like to do your hair in Spring so that we can try them out!!

From Caila x

Wednesday 20 May 2015


Hey guys!!
So we hit 1000 blooming pageviews?!?!
We can't even comprehend that there have been so many people just finding our blog by chance, clicking on it and actually looking at it!
We don't know where this could lead, there are so many opportunities!
Also on Twitter, we have hit over 250 followers and are nearly at 100 followers on Instagram! (if you want to follow us on either of those sites, our username is @cailascreations)
When we started this blog a year ago, we never in a million years expected to get so many views! And we have had a few comments!
So I guess what we wanted to say is...
If you want to leave a comment we would love that and we would be sure to reply!
Also we are planning to have our first #AskCaila1 and if you have any questions for that please comment them, tweet them or comment on one of our Instagram pictures!
If you do have any questions for the #AskCaila1 you will get shoutouts on these social media websites...

Thankyou again!
Love Caila xx
P.S sorry for the late blog post xx

Sunday 10 May 2015

Exam tips! x

Hey Everyone!

Today it's giraffe and I'm going to tell you a few tips on how to survive through the exam period!!

1. Eat brain food! This can include fish, wholegrain and blueberries.

2. When revising write notes in really bright colours for example use sharpies! You can also make posters to stick on your bedroom walls.

3. Organise what exams/tests you need to revise for first. For example if you had a test tomorrow, revise for that one first, if you have one in a week, revise for that one last.

4. Ask your teachers for help. Sometimes people don't like to ask the teacher if they don't understand something but you can't take any chances when it comes to exams.

5. Sleep! If you are one of those people that goes to bed at 1:00 and wakes up at 6:00, your brain needs to rest in order for you to be ready and awake the the day ahead. If you need to, pack your bag, choose an outfit and plan your breakfast the night before so that you can have an extra half an hour in bed!

Sorry this post was kind of short but I hope it helped you! Make sure to follow us on twitter and instagram, both @cailascreations and tag tweets and photos with #cailascreations so that we see it!

Love From
Caila xx

Monday 4 May 2015

April Favourites

Hey guys!

So today it is only mouse here! And today I am going to be telling you about what I have been loving throughout the course of April!

Let's get onto the post...

1. The first thing is a random favourite and that is the song Dear Future Husband by Meghan Trainor. You may have seen in our 'Top 5...' post that we mentioned this song, but it is literally so amazing!! It is a really upbeat and happy song that will make you feel like dancing (hopefully!). I am actually listening to it at the moment as I type this!!

2. The PointlessBook (the first one, I haven't gotten the second one yet) but i just find it so therapeutic to do and just a great activity for rainy days or any time really! I have done loads of mine so I might buy the second one soon!
3. Bright and colourful eyeshadows! There is no specific product for this favourite but since it is spring, I am constantly wearing brighter colours (I am wearing blue eyeliner at the moment!) but some palettes with bright colours are...
The Urban Decay Electric palette
But we understand that this is quite a pricey product so as a cheaper alternative there is the MUA Poptastic palette but still fantastic!
Sorry that this was a shorter post than usual! What have you been loving recently? Tweet us or follow us on Instagram - we (un)follow back. Also we give shoutout for shoutouts!
Instagram & Twitter: @cailascreations

See you soon!
Love Caila xx

P.S. Be sure to vote on our little survey that should be on the right of your COMPUTER screens.