Don't forget to smile :)

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Back To School: First Day Expectations Vs.Reality!

Hello everyone!

First of all sorry that this post is being published on a Tuesday, it is just Giraffe today and I'm very forgetful so yeah! Anyhow, today I thought it would be fun to write about some Expectations Vs. Reality when it comes to the first day back to school. I've seen LOADS of these on YouTube so I thought it would be cool to do it in a blog post.. so let's get started!!!

1. Make Up
Me: "I have an idea, next week when it's the first day back I'm going to put all of my make up out on my desk so I don't have to worry about where it all is!"
Me: "OMG! Where's the mascara?? Why has my moisturiser leaked all over my drawer?? Why is my foundation suddenly WAY too dark?!?!"

2. Skin Care
Me: (Morning of first day, looks in mirror) "I'm so happy my skin care routine has made my skin soft and acne free for school :D"
Me: (Morning of first day, looks in mirror) "gasp! I actually think I'm about to collapse and die!! WHY is there a massive red spot right in the centre of my forehead?!?! I did a skin care routine and everything, why did I have to run out of concealer yesterday :'("

3. Form Time
Teacher: "Ok everyone, I would like you all to come up individually and say your name and 3 hbbies so that we an get to know each other."
Me: Walks to front swiftly "Hello my name is 'Giraffe', my hobbies are: hanging out with friends, watching YouTube videos and playing with my pets."
Teacher: "Ok everyone, I would like you all to come up individually and say your name and 3 hbbies so that we an get to know each other."
Me: Gets stuck behind chair, stubs toe, trips up on a 'popular' girls' designer handbag and lands directly into the teacher's desk catapulting her coffee onto a group of girls, finally runs back to own chair and hides.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. It wass a bit different to usual but it was very fun to write. Please comment below and follow us on twitter and instagram- both @cailascreations  .

Caila xx

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