Don't forget to smile :)

Friday 31 July 2015

How to be a morning person


So today we are talking about how to be a morning person because if we wake up halfway throughout the day in summer we always feel like we have wasted most of the day and most of you probably do as well!

So here are some of our top tips on how to be a morning person!

1. Alarm clocks - there are several different options for this section!
- Have a gradual alarm that wakes you up slowly and makes you feel less sleepy.
- Get the app 'Sleepcycle' or any other similar apps that wake you up at the right time and tell you different information about your sleep.
- Put your alarm on the other side of the room causing you to get up out of bed, making you wake up.
- Have one alarm, if you have multiple alarms then you get into the habit of snoozing the alarm.

2. When you wake up either splash your face with room temperature water or have a shower or hot bath to wake you up. Use some of your favourite smelling lush products!!

3. Have breakfast!! Loads of people don't have breakfast and this is very bad! *tut tut* If you don't have  enough time in the morning to make it you could make a fruit smoothie the night before. Make sure it's balanced and it has lots of nutritious foods in it. Also remember to refrigerate it! 

4. If you're going to work or school in the morning you can plan your make up and outfit the night before. 

5. Set your clock about 5 to 10 minutes fast so that you know that you won't be late!

Thank you for reading this post 😆 make sure to check out our social media, Twitter and Instagram are both @cailascreations  we will see you next time we post 💕

Caila x

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