Don't forget to smile :)

Saturday 27 September 2014

Would you rather by mouse

Howdy everyone!

So it's my turn now and I am kind of scared about the questions that giraffe is going to give to me! Haha!

Would you rather....
1. Eat sock or eat feathers?
Depends whether it is a smelly sock! So probably feathers!
2. Go without shoes or makeup?
I think I would go without shoes because I can paint them on with eyeshadow or make them out of tissue boxes or something aha!
3. Go to Asia or Africa?
Africa! I would want to help everyone who are struggling with starvation!
4. Cling up a tree or rope?
Tree because I would probably get rope burn... And I could build a tree house!
5. Go without food for a day or without drink for a day?
Go without a drink because I could eat really juicy fruits and it would work as drinks.
6. Eat a gruffalo or goat?
Probably a goat because gruffalos are big!
7. Sit in a muddy puddle or in a used nappy (diaper to you Americans!)
MUDDY PUDDLE! The thought of sitting in a used nappy is..... Eww!
8. Meet Zoella or Tanya Burr?
Zoella sorry Tanya! I am OBSESSED with Zoe!
9. Go to Jupiter or Saturn?
Saturn! (Is that the one with the ring around it? Think so!)
10. Eat a mushroom filled with slugs or be stranded in space?
Honestly? Probably be stranded in space! I mean that terrifies me but if I had a mushroom filled with slugs I would probably faint!

Ok so that was quite an interesting post! Tweet us would you rather questions! (@cailascreations) also check out us on Instagram! We are giving shout outs for shout outs! We would love to talk to you! (@cailascreations)

Love Caila xx

#qotd (quote of the day) "life is short so smile when you still have teeth!"

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