Don't forget to smile :)

Saturday 27 September 2014

Would you rather by mouse

Howdy everyone!

So it's my turn now and I am kind of scared about the questions that giraffe is going to give to me! Haha!

Would you rather....
1. Eat sock or eat feathers?
Depends whether it is a smelly sock! So probably feathers!
2. Go without shoes or makeup?
I think I would go without shoes because I can paint them on with eyeshadow or make them out of tissue boxes or something aha!
3. Go to Asia or Africa?
Africa! I would want to help everyone who are struggling with starvation!
4. Cling up a tree or rope?
Tree because I would probably get rope burn... And I could build a tree house!
5. Go without food for a day or without drink for a day?
Go without a drink because I could eat really juicy fruits and it would work as drinks.
6. Eat a gruffalo or goat?
Probably a goat because gruffalos are big!
7. Sit in a muddy puddle or in a used nappy (diaper to you Americans!)
MUDDY PUDDLE! The thought of sitting in a used nappy is..... Eww!
8. Meet Zoella or Tanya Burr?
Zoella sorry Tanya! I am OBSESSED with Zoe!
9. Go to Jupiter or Saturn?
Saturn! (Is that the one with the ring around it? Think so!)
10. Eat a mushroom filled with slugs or be stranded in space?
Honestly? Probably be stranded in space! I mean that terrifies me but if I had a mushroom filled with slugs I would probably faint!

Ok so that was quite an interesting post! Tweet us would you rather questions! (@cailascreations) also check out us on Instagram! We are giving shout outs for shout outs! We would love to talk to you! (@cailascreations)

Love Caila xx

#qotd (quote of the day) "life is short so smile when you still have teeth!"

Would you rather by giraffe

Howdy everyone!
So mouse has given me a few would you rather questions and thought we would share them with you!!

Would you rather......
1. Wear skirts for the rest of my life or trousers?
2. Never leave England or never visit England?
Never visit England
3. Eat slugs for the rest of my life or whenever I sneeze, slugs come out of my nose?
Sneezing slugs!!
4. Poop or vomit rainbow?
5. Have every piece of makeup in the world or go wherever I want in the world?
Every piece of makeup
6. Be stuck in school or be homeless for the rest of my life?
Be stuck in school
7. Have someone always touching my neck (I hate people touching my neck) or never understand anyone else?
People touching my neck
8. Have an interrupting belly button or never be able to stop blinking?
Have an interrupting belly button
9. Be naked or never go on the internet again?
10. Never see mouse again or never eat chocolate again?
Never see mouse again!! Haha! 😉

We hope you enjoyed this post! The qotd will be on mouse's post
Byeee from Caila xx

Saturday 20 September 2014

Autumn clothes


This is 'giraffe' and I am really sorry that I haven't posted In ages!!!!! But anyway today's post is all about things you could do to make your everyday autumn look even more autumny!

1. Wear long or baggy clothes, they are really comfy and are perfect for cuddling up on the sofa and watching X Factor in!!

2. Maybe a bit of orange? Or even purple?? I just feel like orange and purple are really nice colours for autumn! Maybe not together though...

3. I always think that a pair of  boots with a small chunky heel are really fun to wear in autumn.

4. Add a bit of sparkle by wearing some of your favourite jewellery!!!

This was a bit of a quick post today, but remember to follow us on Instagram and Twitter to find out when we do post!

#qotd: "the only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday" have we already done that one ?? Oh well, we hope you like it anyway 😉

Caila xx

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Autumnal Makeup Look

Howdy everyone!

We hope you enjoyed our 'Personalising and Organising your room' series and we hope to do more series like that!

So today we are going to be talking about the essentials you need for an Autumnal Makeup Look!

Face: a nice matte foundation ( we recommend the mac studio fix foundation) and a nice light pink blusher for rosy cheeks.

Eyes: smoky eyes are all in for autumn but if you don't feel comfortable using a black we recommend natural smoky eyes ( MUA heaven and earth palette is great for this look and a great bargain!)
Big lashes and a nice cat flick will finish this look off!

Lips: finally lips are the key point of this look! Plum or wine coloured lips are beautiful in autumn! You can get really cheap lipsticks or high end ones(MUA/mac) don't put on lipgloss because Autumn = MATTE! Haha xx

Hope you enjoyed this post!

See you next time!
Love Caila xx

#qotd: 'friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know that they are always there'