Don't forget to smile :)

Sunday 28 June 2015

5 Things To Do With Your Friends This Summer! (Summer Extravaganza Series)

Hey guys!

So, as the second part of the 'Summer Extravaganza Series', we wanted to talk about 5 different things that you can do with your friends this summer!

1. Go camping! Whether it is just camping in your garden or in a completely different part of the country! It's really fun to camp outside in the dark and there are loads of different things you can do e.g tell ghost stories.

2. Play Twister with an interesting twist! You put coloured paint or shaving cream mixed with food dye on each of the spots and then start playing! Make sure to play outside because it will get messy!
3. Have a water fight, simple but essential! Get out the water balloons, water guns and anything you can get your hands on!
4. Go out on a bike ride! Take a picnic, a camera and a bike! It's lovely to feel the wind in your hair and get away from social media.
5. Have a photoshoot in the evening when the sun is setting. It makes a perfect background for a photoshoot!
I hope you enjoyed this weeks post! If you have any other ideas be sure to follow us on Instagram and Twitter (@cailascreations)

Love Caila xx

Sunday 21 June 2015

10 Things To Do This Summer! (Summer Extravaganza!)

Hey guys!
So this is going to be a cool announcement! We are going to be doing a 'Summer Extravaganza!' We are not sure how often we will upload during this series maybe twice a week maybe once! (We will announce how many times we are planning to upload on Twitter @cailascreations ooh a little self promotion...)

To kick start this series we thought we would give you a list of 10 things you can do this summer!

1. Exercise- this could include trekking (but we will write a more in depth post about ways to stay active this summer!!)

2. Make smoothies with berries that you can pick yourself- make sure these are safe and washed!!! You can find different kind of recipes on tumblr, pinterest or just on Google! If you want us to do a post about different nutritious food then comment down below!

3. Go on an adventure- whether its in your own town or on the other side of the country... EXPLORE! (obviously, get parental permission and don't travel to the other side of the country on your own ;) )

4. Personalize your room! We put up some blog posts on personalizing your room! this is a blog post we made last year and it shows ideas for how to personalize your room for summer! We also made one for Winter, Autumn and Spring! The summer holidays are the perfect time to make your room reflect your personality.

5. Have a break from social media. Turn off the phone, laptop and ipad! Whether this is for the day or the whole of summer. Go outside and have fun (take your phone BUT JUST FOR EMERGENCIES).

6. Learn a new skill - it could be how to speak a foreign language, play a new instrument or just how to do a cartwheel! There are so many possibilities and can really help when you are bored.

7. Earn a bit of pocket money! You could go do a car boot sale, sell stuff on Ebay, go to clothes banks or even mow someones lawn!

8. Make something! It could be anything! Get outside and get creative! Whether its just a doodle or a sculpture!

9. It's OK to have a few lazy days! We all need a break from school or work so the holidays are the perfect opportunity! You could have a lazy day with your best friends or just with the sun and a good book (and sun cream!)

10. Stay outside with sun cream! Help your parents mow the lawn or do some revision in the garden! It will improve your mood and is was better than wasting the summer inside on your phone! Make a promise to yourself that every day of summer you will go outside only if it is just poking your head out of the window!

We really hope you enjoyed our first blog post of summer and if you have any more ideas of what to do this summer comment down below or tweet us and follow us on Instagram - @cailascreations

See you soon!

Love Caila xx

Sunday 14 June 2015

15 weird questions tag! x

Hello everybody!!
Today it is just giraffe because we were again unable to meet up, but anyway, today I'm going to do the 15 weird questions tag! I'm not sure if this is a very well known tag or not but I'm going to do it anyway so let's do it...

1. What's a nickname only your family calls you?
Umm I have more than one but for anonymity reasons I cannot say!!
2. What's a weird habit of yours?
I click my toes a lot
3. Do you have any weird phobias?
I HATE it when my neck, shoulders and feet are touched.. Not sure why....
4. What song do you blast and belt out when you are home alone?
Either Bang Bang by Jessie J ft. Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj or Donatella by Lady Gaga
5. What's one of your biggest pet peeves?
People that lean on me
6. What's one of your nervous habits?
I pick at the skin on my left thumb- that was rather precise and a bit gross haha
7. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
The middle
8. What was your first stuffed animal and its name?
I can't remember sadly..
9. What drink do you always order at Starbucks?
I've actually never even been inside a Starbucks!!
10. What's a beauty rule you preach but never actually practice?
Umm blending out your bronzer properly, I don't do this because I don't wear bronzer haha
11. Which way do you face in the shower?
Away from the shower head
12. Do you have any weird body skills?
I can pop some of my joints out of place 😏👌🏻
13. What's your favourite comfort food that's bad but you love to eat anyway?
Jaffa cakes or chocolate digestives
14. What's a phrase or exclamation you always say?
Umm I don't really know to be honest
15. Time to sleep, what are you wearing?
I think this question means what clothes are you wearing when it's time to go to sleep..? But anyway I would be wearing either my pajamas or the clothes that I was wearing that day

I hope you enjoyed me answering these 15 weird questions! Make sure to follow us on Instagram and Twitter @cailascreations  !!
 If you want us to see something that you post make sure to use the hashtag #cailascreations ☺️
Love Caila xx