Don't forget to smile :)

Sunday 25 January 2015

Tips for a successful pamper night with your friends!

Hey Everyone!

Today it's giraffe and I'm going to give you some tips and ideas for a pamper night with your friends. Pamper nights are a really fun and relaxing activity to do and I highly recommend doing them every so often :)

Things to do on pamper nights:

1, Do a skin care regime: it's so much fun applying face masks to each other and you can also cleanse and tone your face for silky skin in the morning!
2. Listen to some of your favourite music on a really high volume! It's fun to just have a mini party whilst doing your pamper night!!
3. Put onesies on: why not be pampered in comfort... and anyway who doesn't love onesies?!?!?!?
4. Light some scented candles to feel even more relaxed.
5. Bake some delicious cakes or cookies to nibble on.
6. Search for some hairstyle ideas (like braids/plaits or up-do's) to try on each other!
7. If you're on your own have a bath with some Lush products (eg: bath bombs) and read a book or play on your favourite apps- making sure not to drop your book or device in the water!!

I hope you enjoyed this post- sorry it was just a quick one!! Make sure to send us your ideas or comments about this post on all of our social media...

Instagram: @cailascreations
Twitter: @cailascreations
Remember to follow us aswell!

Caila xx

Sunday 18 January 2015

Would You Rather Beauty Tag!

Hey Guys!

So it is only Mouse today! And I was looking for a fun tag to do and this one popped up! I hope you enjoy!

1.Would you rather go out with messy hair and nice make-up or nice hair and no make-up?
Nice hair and no make-up, I mean messy hair would just look disgusting...

2. Would you rather shave your eyebrows or have your eyelashes fall out?
Shave my eyebrows, I could fill them in easily rather than having to put false lashes on everyday!

3 Would you rather be forced to shop at MAC or Sephora for the rest of your life?
MAC! I love MAC!

4. Would you rather wear lipgloss/lipliner look or 80's perm?
Erm... I guess lipgloss/lipliner look...

5. Would you rather leave your house with an obvious foundation line or overdone blush?
Foundation line because you could over it with your hair...

6. Would you rather wear MC Hammer pants or biker shorts in public?
Biker shorts I think.

7. Would you rather have a bad orange-y spray tan or weird tan lines that can't be covered?
Weird tan lines, if you had a bad orange-y spray tan you would stand out sooooo much! I think that the tan lines would be a bit more subtle.

8. Would you rather have a bad hair cut or a bad hair colour?
Bad hair colour because you could dye it back to the original colour or stick a hat on it!

9. Would you rather have YouTube or Twitter taken away forever? (I know this isn't really beauty related but this was one of the questions!)
Twitter because I am ADDICTED to YouTube!

10. Would you rather give up using makeup brushes or mascara?
Makeup brushes because you can apply makeup with other things e.g makeup sponge

So I hope you all enjoyed this post! If you feel like answering any of our questions feel free to tweet us or DM us on Instagram! We would love to hear your feedback!
Instagram; @cailascreations
Twitter: @cailascreations

See you soon!
Love Caila xx

Sunday 11 January 2015



Today we are going to share with you our favourite quotes! We hope you like and enjoy them <3 xx

So AGES ago we posted the TMI Tags and on them one of the questions were favourite quotes? So lets start with them!p

Giraffe's Favourite Quotes...

"If you want the best seat in the house, you have got to move the cat!"

"The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday."

"I have found that if you love life, Life will love you back"

Mouse's Favourite Quotes...

"Friends are like bras, always close to the heart and there for support!"

"Life is like a camera, Focus on what's important, Capture the good times, Develop on the negatives and if things don't work out take another shot."

"Everybody wants happiness, Nobody wants pain, But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain."

Our Favourite Quotes,,,

"I am not special, I'm just limited addition."

"Take every chance, Drop every fear."

"When nothing goes right.... Go left."

What are your favourite quotes?
Tweet us them or follow us on Instagram or DM us on Instagram! We will give you a shoutout in our next blog post!
Twitter: @cailascreations
Instagram: @cailascreations

Love Caila xx

Sunday 4 January 2015

School Organisation!


It's just Giraffe today because both of us were unable to meet up to write this post, but anyway, today I wanted to talk to you about school organisation. We can all admit that we have all lost a textbook, or forgot to do your homework and have done it in the morning that it's due or forgot to take something in.

This kind of links to our last post about New Year's Resolutions but this year why don't we make a goal to be a bit more organised for school. Here are a few tips to get you started!!

1. Pack your bag the night before. We all procrastinate and do it in the morning but it will only take about 5 mins so just quickly do it in the evening or even when you get home from school.

2. A lot of people really don't like doing homework but it must be done. So that you have more time to hang out with your friends or have a bit of time to yourself, do your homework as soon as you get in from school to get it out of the way. This takes a bit of mental motivation because we all try to put it off but just think if you get it done now, you won't have to do it later. Even better, do it in the school library at lunch because then you will have even more time to chill out!

3. If you have a habit of losing your school books (like me!), clear out a drawer or small area in your bedroom and keep all of your books in there. Try to leave books that you don't need at home, at school (if you can) in a locker etc. 

4. Finally, if your locker is a bit of a pig sty- filled with loads of random pieces of paper etc- just take some time to sort it out and give everything its own place. It may not be fun but it will only take a couple of minutes. 

I hope that this post has helped you and that you have enjoyed it.

Love From 
Caila xx