Don't forget to smile :)

Sunday 28 December 2014

New Year...

Hi everyone!

Today we are going to talk about something a little more serious... New Year. So most people make up New Year's resolutions e.g "I am going to lose weight." But lets be truthful... we rarely keep those promises all the way to the end of the year!

We all make unrealistic New Year's Resolutions like the example above, so this year we are going try to make realistic ones that can make us better people! For example make a goal like be more organised, join a new club at school or do a fun run for example. Or make a promise to someone else but make sure you can keep it!

The truth is, every year giraffe and I make unrealistic New Year's Resolutions that will not last a whole week let alone a year.

But also why do you have to change on New Year's Day? Can't you change any day? Just a thought! Maybe if you are reading this post halfway through July or whenever change your life now for the better! When you have finished reading this, go outside and do something productive and enjoyable or even just help out your family with chores- it may not be fun but your family will appreciate it loads!

We just want you to think about your goals before you make them. 

What have you done recently that you are proud of?
Tweet us @cailascreations
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We hope you had a very Merry Christmas, 
Love Caila xx

P.S Thankyou to everyone who has read our blog! We have had over 550 pageviews now which we really appreciate! We look forward to when we have over 1000 views! That's our goal!

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