Don't forget to smile :)

Sunday 3 August 2014

10 Things To Do This Summer

Howdy Everyone!

So today we thought it would be nice to do another post that is summer related! Also we didn't want it to be the usual makeup and stuff so here it is, 10 things to do this summer!

1. Build a fort, outside if you can! And then eat food inside of it (that's the best part)

2. Invite your friends over for a water fight:)

3. Make your own pretend beach in your garden (get out the paddling pool)

4. Bake a cake :) yum!

5. Be decorative and creative! Maybe personalize your room!
6. Go out and exercise maybe go for a run or go out on your old bike?

7. Go on a shopping spree with your bestest buddy;)

8. Go outsideeee and enjoy the fresh air! You will regret it when you are back at school/work bored and you can see the blue sky outside!
9. Take risks (within reason) like dye your hair or try a new makeup look or maybe be even more adventurous than those two options!
10. Forget about all those worries! Enjoy every second of summer with people you love and forget about those who you don't.

Hope you enjoyed this slightly different post! See you next time!

Love Caila xx

#qotd : "The tan will fade but the memories will last forever." <~ summer quote!

Insatagram : @cailascreations
Twitter : @cailascreations
Make sure to check them both out! xx

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