Don't forget to smile :)

Monday 23 February 2015

Spring Room Decor! Part 2 :)

Hey Everyone!

So it's just giraffe today because we couldn't meet up in the weekend.But anyway, it is soon going to be Spring!! As you probably know we have already done a series like this before, so this is going to be like a part 2 to that and if you want you can have a look at the other post for some more inspiration :)

1. Pastel colours are always 'in' around spring time. You could do this with pillows, curtains, bed sheets or even paint your walls!

2. Although it is a couple of months away, easter is going to be here soon. As a decoration to go with easter and the pastel theme, why not purchase some polystyrene or plastic eggs and paint them with lots of patterns. You can then put them in a basket (for example) and have them on display.

3. I don't know about you but I LOVE flowers. A cool way to add these to your bedroom is by taking some faux flowers and cutting off the 'stem'. Then hot glue them onto some chord or string and have them around your bed frame or desk! This is another take on the fairy lights idea.

4. Of course at spring time, all of the baby animals are born!! If you love animals like us, why not have a few baby animal posters! You could also have a string of pictures of animals if posters are your thing.

Sorry this was a bit of a short post but it was just to give you some more inspiration! :) Hopefully next week we will be able to meet up to write the post.

Make sure to follow us on...

Twitter: @cailascreations
Instagram: @cailascreations

Love Caila xx

Sunday 15 February 2015

Beauty Tips and Advice

Hey guys!

So we are going to be doing a slightly different (ish) blog post! Today we are doing Beauty Tips and Advice! And guess what we are doing this post together!!! Whoop whoop!

The first tips are about Eye Make Up!!
1.On hooded eyes, matte shades are good to make the eyelid appear less hooded.
2.Applying a white eyeliner on the waterline will make your eye look larger and brighter.
3.When applying mascara push the wand up at the roots of your eyelashes. Also wiggle the wand and pull it up for long lashes.
4.Here's a diagram to help you with the proportions for your eyebrows:
The next tips are about Nail Polish:
1.When doing straight lines in your nail art try using tape but remove the tape as soon as you have finished applying the nail polish.
2. Most people don't have fancy nail tools (unless you are a nail artist) so if you want a nice dotting tool, a toothpick is perfect or a cocktail stick!
3. If you tend to get nail polish on your fingers put PVA glue around the nail and cuticle area to prevent the nail varnish getting on your skin. Then peel it off after the manicure has dried. Vaseline and latex also works.
4. You can make 3D nail decorations out of fimo clay.

These tips are about your lips:
1. To make your lipstick matte put translucent or talcum powder over the lipstick. Apply generously.
2. On the outer corner apply a darker lipstick to shade and tone your lips, giving the effect of fuller lips.
3. Exfoliate your lips with a clean toothbrush for smooth lips.
4. To contour and highlight your lips, use a bronzer underneath your bottom lip and a highlighter on your cupids bow.

What beauty tips and advice do you have for us to try out? Tweet us or follow us on Instagram!
Twitter: @cailascreations
Instagram: @cailascreations

Love from Caila xx

Sunday 8 February 2015

Valentines Day Ideas! Simple and Easy!

Hey guys!

So today, it's mouse again! And seeing as Valentines Day is coming up I thought I would give you some nice ideas of what things you could do, make on Valentines Day whether you have a Valentine or not!

First off a few things to make!

You can make some really sweet treats which are nice and easy to create!

For a very easy treat to make in 5 minutes, how about decorating some marshmallows?
These marshmallows look really pretty and are simple to make, all you need are some large marshmallows, little sticks to put them on, sprinkles and icing! It's pretty self-explanatory, just decorate the marshmallows however you like! It would be quite fun to do this with your friends or your Valentine!

For a nice little gift for Valentines Day you can make anything from letters to cuddly toys but these really cute letters are simple and easy to make.
And they don't just have to be for Valentines Day they can be for your friends/family etc.

Finally a little activity to do on Valentines Day!

If you are stuck for what to do on Valentines Day evening, go and do some baking (you could make the marshmallows) with or without your Valentine and then go and watch a movie with all of your nice treats! Don't forget the hot chocolate!
For any more ideas be sure to check out Pinterest, Instagram and Google Images ha ha!

What are you doing this Valentines Day? Tweet to us or follow us on Instagram!
Twitter: @cailascreations
Instagram: @cailascreations

Love from
Caila xx

Sunday 1 February 2015

January Favourites

Hey guys!

So it's mouse today, no giraffe unfortunately! We just haven't had the time to get together and prepare a post recently! Sorry!

Recently we have been uploading a post EVERY Sunday! And we are both proud of ourselves haha! When we first started we would keep missing out weeks but we like to make sure there is enough content on our blog for you to enjoy!

So today I am going to be talking about our January favourites! Blimey, it feels so weird to think we are quite far into 2015 already!

Anyways so enough of me rambling, let's get on with the show!

So let's start off with...


First off, we have both been enjoying the Naked 3 pallette by Urban Decay! We both have it now and are in LOVE with it! It's just got such a big variety of colours and it's so versatile! All the colours are very pigmented and very pretty! The only problem is it costs £37 eek!

Next we have both been loving Baby Lips by Maybelline, they are just so moisturising and they smell delightful! They are also a great bargain and very travel friendly!

Now I have been enjoying the Reason Colourburst Matte Balm Lip Crayon in 205 Elusive! It's a really love pinky nude colour and is just really natural but also gives a pop of colour! It isn't too pricey but I wouldn't recommend it if you were on a very tight budget!

Next up...


So there are two favourite skin care ranges that we have been loving!

We both love Zoe Sugg's (Zoella) beauty range! It has so many lovely and cute products that we just want all of them! She also has makeup bags and the latest one she brought out is polka dot patterned and says 'Just say yes!' which is a really nice quote!

Our second skincare favourite is the Simple Skincare Range! The products are all really affordable and are great for your skin! They are very natural and feel fantastic!

Lastly are some random favourites!

So we have been listening to some songs non stop on repeat!

I'm sure you have all heard...
Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson ft Bruno Mars.
Blank Space by Taylor Swift
Fireball by Pitbull

These songs have all gotten our toes tapping!

Personally this month I have been using notebooks non stop for school work and organising myself (which was one of my resolutions!) and I have been loving Paperchase's notebooks!

I have been loving the film Warm Bodies, which is a zombie romance film! It's really good and well written! If you want a film review on it please tell us!

Anyways so that was our January Favourites! What have you been loving? Tweet us or follow us on Instagram!
Twitter: @cailascreations
Instagram: @cailascreations

Love Caila xx